#2 Student Paper examples

The Jewel cover of the Lindau Gospels (front and back respectively) circa 780-880 CE. Created under the commission of Charlemagne and Charles the Bald The Jewel cover of the Lindau Gospels is very symbolic and intricate work of art itself, apart from the illuminated manuscript. It has a very intriguing historical background that includes a vast variety of different cultures. The cultural context of the Jewelled cover has a great deal to do with the actual creation of it, and the art that is depicted on it. The cover also implements many of the principles and elements of design . There are vast historical and cultural backgrounds behind this Jewel cover of the Lindau Gospels. The cover was created in different parts, in different regions, and at different times. The back cover was the first part to be made. It was created in the late 700’s, most likely around 784 during Bishop Virgilius ’ time...