Multi Media Student Analytical Presentations -- Scheduled for the End of the Term

Thinking back to the beginnings of our class together and Stokstad's introduction "Starter Kit" in our text, we have become familiar with how to deconstruct and analyze any piece of visual work, whether ancient or made yesterday. This is an opportunity for you to put your skills together and demonstrate the knowledge gleaned and present it in a class setting. Similar to your essay assignments, you will create a comparative analysis between two forms. Process Part ONE 1. Select one image from our text from Chapter 1 through Chapter 8. NOTE: You may not use my examples, nor any of the student examples noted below. 2. Your second image is to be found from the world of images made in the last century, between 1918 - 2018 They may be similar in subject matter or solely in their formal qualities. Part TWO Making use of the formal elements and principles of design, speak about the c...