
Showing posts from March, 2018

NOTES: Jewish and Early Christian Art . Chapter 7

Reminders.... early audience halls became gathering places for Christian worship. p. 206 Audience Hall of Constantius Chorus  = Basilica today The  Basilica's  large scale illustrated the aesthetic that was large in size, simple and plan and no-nonsense  Constantine the Great  (305 CE He emerged victorious in 312 CE defeating Maxentius (son of Maximian) in Rome. According to Christian tradition, "Constantine had a vision the night before the battle in which he saw a flaming cross in the sky and heard these words: "In this sign you shall conquer."" The next morning he ordered that his army's shields be  inscribed with the XP ( chi rho  in Latin) The labarum (Greek: λάβαρον) was a vexillum  (military standard)  that displayed the " Chi - Rho " symbol ☧, a  christogram  formed from the first two Greek letters of the word "Christ"  (Greek: ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ, or Χριστός) —  Chi  (χ) and  Rho  (ρ)....

NOTES: The Romans . Chapter 6

Recall where the Etruscans ruled   and where the early Romans were located Note the location of Jerusalem The Roman Empire would soon grow to this size below! You will find helpful study tips, please read this link overview from the Kahn Academy Introduction to Roman art p. 166 THE ROMANS While Etruscans were inhabiting Italy, the Latin-speaking that settled around Rome were gaining power.   Etruscan Kings ruled them but in 509 BCE the Romans overthrew them and formed the Republic centered in Rome, absorbing Etruscans into the Republic by the end of the 3rd century BCE. Note the period of time we are in... 2nd century CE  the Roman Empire reached Euphrates River to Asia to Scotland - it was indeed huge! The Euphrates River (pronounced:  [yoo- frey -teez] ) , located in the Middle East, reaching 1740 miles, the longest river in the SW Asia.    Those who were conquered by the Romans assimilated to their ways thr...